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clasclás 2024 |  ´Andante´

The International Classical Music Festival claclás will hold its VII edition again in

summer of 2024 based on the dizzying and consolidated success obtained by the contest throughout over the last six years, reaching 5,000 attendees in the last edition in 2023.

The festival will be held from Friday the 21st, coinciding with International Music Day,

until Saturday, June 29, 2024.

In this VII edition, the Festival will pay tribute to the role of women in the history of music, and this is how he reflects on this year's image under the motto “Andante”:

To the great and legendary pianist Elisabeth Leonskaja, who will open the festival and do a double in a second concert with Hannah Kandinsky, Judith Jáuregui, Judith Bardolet will join and the 36 professional women music members of Vocalia Taldea; also the three

members of the Novecento Quartet, Ildikó Oltai, Irina Gruia, Ioana Ciobotaru; the young women composers Paula Olaz and Eva Ugalde whose works we will hear at the closing of the clasclás; the two vice presidencies, the management team and a very important part of the management team festival production and management; the teachers of the Pedagogical program such as Mairead Hickey, the accompanying pianists of the a pé de rúa Program and all the students who participate in the four programs that complete the Festival.


Artistic Program

Elisabeth Leonskaja is, without a doubt, the protagonist of this edition for several reasons:

She is a legendary pianist, one of the great ladies of the Russian school, an extremely

coherent with great personality, expressiveness and a unique sound. She will participate in two concerts of the festival, one alone and another with the Kandisnky Quartet.

Along with them, we can also listen to the renowned cellist Adolfo Gutiérrez Arenas with

Malcolm Martineau, in one of the few opportunities in which to listen to this famous scottish pianist performing chamber music.

Judith Jáuregui returns to the clasclás on this occasion accompanied by the Gerhard Quartet, forming a quintet that has been working together for some time, also performing works

for piano floor and for string quartet.

Josef Špaček, the prodigious Czech violinist, concertmaster for years of the Czech Philharmonic and student of Iztak Perlmann, will offer the fifth clasclás concert with his leading pianist, Miroslav Sekera.

We will close this clasclás with a concert by Vocalia Taldea, a white voice choir founded in 2000 by its director Basilio Astúlez and which brings together 36 professional women of music that will offer us a program under the title Of the divine and human, accompanied by Josu Okiñena on piano.

Pedagogical and Masterclasses Program

The Pedagogical and Masterclass Program, which is carried out on this occasion prior to the

festival, aims to expand, strengthen and consolidate the training of the students of the

Vilagarcía Professional Conservatory, as well as other students or alumni who could

participate invited by the center.

For this VII edition of the festival, it is planned to carry out the following pedagogical and

Masterclasses: Trombone Masterclass, Cuban Rhythm and Percussion Masterclass, Masterclass Trumpet, Violin Masterclass and Irish Music Workshop, Flute Masterclass and Traverso Barroco workshop, Practical workshop to face stage anxiety under the name “Change how you go on stage in 4 hours”.

Social and Community Program

We want to continue betting on the beloved Social and Community Program, designed to

show classical music the different groups of our society that for different reasons or

causes do not have sufficient facilities to approach it, and that it has caused so much joy

to all those who participate in the clasclás, attendees, participants and organizers, event

essential for the festival. There are nearly 400 spectators of different abilities

belonging to more than twenty associations and groups that participate each year in this


clasclás a pé de rúa Program

The first notes that sound every year when the festival begins are those of the students of the

Professional Conservatory of Music that, together with that of the Municipal School of Music, is are in charge of acting as opening acts for the artists who visit us each edition through the clasclás a pé de rúa Program .

Various locations in the city, and the Vistalegre Church for those instruments that they specify, they serve as a stage for the development of the program.

clasclás matineé Program

This program, newly created in the VII edition, aims to hold concerts in

morning sessions in historic spaces of singular interest in our city, such as the Pazo

of Rubiáns, the Vistalegre Church, Salón García, etc…

Next summer at the clasclás matinée concerts you will be able to hear works by

Galician composers, born in the 20th century and others to whom we will pay tribute such as G.

Puccini or G. Fauré.

The following concerts are planned:, onte - hoxe. By Manuel Morales, flute and Raúl Rodríguez, piano in the

Salón García on Friday, June 28 at 12:00 p.m. with free admission upon pickup at

Novecento Quartet, on Saturday, June 29 at the Pazo de Rubianes. Entries in and



President: Alberto Varela Paz, mayor of Vilagarcía de Arousa.

First Executive Vice President: Paola María Mochales, Councilor for Education

Second Vice President: Sonia Outón Casal, Councilor for Culture.

Direction: Rosina Sobrido Fernández and Vladimira Smausová.

Social and Community Program Coordination: María Galbán Zaragoza

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Concerts Program

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